甜甜圈donut in taipei

Sunday, July 26, 2009

度小月 & ice-skating with Yi Fan

Following the "sacred" markings on the Taipei map given by THE foodie Wai Tze Yan,
I finally made the trip to 度小月. Yifan & I ordered 担仔面、炸卷、花枝丸& 油豆腐 .
Though it's in a restaurant setting, the food is not bad and the price reasonable. All together the bill came out to about $10 plus per person.

Wanting to master the skill of skating, I made a second trip to the Taipei dome's skating ring.
The place was teeming with "durable" kids who could take any amount of hard knocks on the ground, "uncles" showing off their superb skating speed and stunts in a bid to get attention and at the the same time prey on first-time skaters = 小妹妹s (not surprsing), couples skating hand in hand and 跛脚 skaters like me.

It's not joke trying to navigate amidst a sea of people, not to mention with the pro-skaters skating zooming pass you causing you to lose ur balance. (After a while you realize falling down isnt that bad, it's getting up that's hard)

Not sure when's the next time I'll put on a pair of ice-skates back home... anyone up for a skate tell me :)


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