甜甜圈donut in taipei

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First day of work

Somehow after I came to Taiwan, I seem to have an auto alarm clock installed in me. Today I woke by 5 minutes before my alarm went off. A miracle for someone like me who can hit the snooze button for two hours straight. The day before though I slept at 2am, I miraculously woke up at 730am!

I've been sent to the financial channel at EETV. Previously, Yi Fan interned here and she said she had a fruitful experience. She even went to a Chanel fashion show. So far for the the past 3 hours the interns have been sitting around using the computer, doodling, watching the news... hmmm guess the work will only start tomorrow.

Reported to work at 9:10am. Made a special effort to get up earlier just in case I would get lost. But my worries were unfounded. The office is really easy to find, about a 5 minutes walk away from the Taipei Main Station. Thank goodness the place where I'm bunking in is only 3 stops away. It takes less than 15 minutes to get to work.

The financial newsroom is a frenzy, everyone is rushing to get their news out. The TVs are all switched to either the news or share channels. Initially I was asked to go to the International news section where they watch the international news channels and grab news relevant to the Taiwanese audience and repackage it. But I dont want to stay in the office all day so I asked to be sent to the local news.

I'm the only foreigner amongst the interns. Most of the interns here study communications or journ ( talked to one who studies biotechnology...) Upon reading that I'm from Nanayang Technological University the news supervisor is pretty puzzled... guess the name makes me sound like a computer or engine student. Had to explain that I'm a journ student and oh yes... I speak Chinese. Think she thought I speak Malay or something... I will next semester if I get my Malay module.

The fellow interns here are very friendly. The best thing about being a foreinger is that you never run out of conversation topics. I've come to realize the first thing most Taiwanese ask me is can u eat chewing gum or about our strict Singapore laws. And we're famous for Jack Neo's I Not Stupid and the Michael Fay caning incident. Oh well...

Can't wait to go out and do some interviews. Will update on any exciting news I have...



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