甜甜圈donut in taipei

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Yang Ming Shan revisited! For the three of us (Shu Hui, Yiqi & Me) it was our second time to Yang Ming Shan. Thinking that it's now Spring and that the weather has warmed, we went there rather unprepared. Next time whenever I visit a mountain of any sorts I'm bringing a warm jacket and a scarf.


After taking a bus up, we then took a taxi. Boy was it a thrilling ride. 司机说要走小路会快点,没想到他的小路真的很小!Winding up the bendy and steep path, the taxi driver had to keep honking in order to warn any vehicles coming in the opposite direction of our existence. OMG.. scary!!

For the rest of the day, we were surrounded by beautiful flowers everywhere!

It was the season of the Calla Lillies of course these pretty white flowers stole the limelight.

We love roses! Too bad there weren't any roses to pick. :(

白色 海芋和显黄色的太阳花相得益彰!

真的没骗你。很冷!Haha do you spot an unidentified object? That's Ah Mao's finger.



Get a firm grip on the stalk of the lily.



俏丽的姑娘配美丽的花 :)


Notice how wet my fringe is. The atmosphere on the hill is rather wet.. hence we all looked like we just had a shower

Don't let these innocent looking flowers decieve you. Though they look seemingly fragile and vulnerable, they aren't.
Don't believe me please ask Shu Hui. Poor gal fell backwards into a shallow ditch. Luckily the flowers in the ditch broke her fall. But it was the scene after that was hilarious. She fell in such a graceful manner that we thought she was kidding when she said she couldn't get up.
The people around were chanting "拍照"! As I was her photographer for her flower picking session, I gladly obliged to capture this rare moment. For photos please ask Shu Hui. In the end it was Ah Mao & Yuru who were the nearest who went to to the rescue of the damsel in distress. Thankfully she was all right!

Dinner was Pork Cutlet Japanese style. Love the potato salad but found the pork cutlet a little too dry for my liking.

不乖的兔子被锁起来!I have the exact same rabbit at home in Singapore. A gift to me from Quack & Wei Min back in my secondary school days. :) That day I became a proud owner of a new stuffed rabbit. How could I resist.. it's eyes were telling me take me home. Aww...
We dragged our tired bodies back all the way to hall... this week we're having our mid terms. For now it's time to hit the books, but that we're back to our holiday lifstyle. :)
P.S: I'm actually back-dating so now mid-terms are over.. woo hooo...


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