Meeting up with old friends part II
Today I woke up real early at 7am. Thought I should get some early morning exercize so I flexed whatever arm muscles I had to mop the floor. Did I mention that mopping the floor with a Magic Clean mop is my favourite household chore. It's so easy to just manoveur it around corners and under sofas... I sound like a magic mop salesperson. Didn't bring my sports shoes along... may just get at NT200 pair at the "shoe street" at Taipei Main Station. Better watch my weight. At the rate I'm downing those cups of bubble tea...
I'm taping into some random wireless signal which is highly unstable. So sadly I won’t be able to blog as often. Coming back to Taipei for a second time, it feels totally different. Somehow I feel so much more at home, as if I’m taking the MRT in Singapore. Revisiting the old places like Ban Qiao today but with a different friend this time (Machiko), feels like any other weekend outing to Orchard. Though only into the second day of my trip, I know I’m going to be Taiwan-sick when I leave this place a month later. Brought Machiko along to meet my Chengchi friends – Xiao Ji, Yifan and Ting Qi at my old hangout (when I was in ChengChi) – Shi Da night market. I love how welcoming my Chengchi friends are to new people. In fact we’ll be meeting for a round of karaoke in the near future. Counting down to my last day of holiday. Will start work in a day’s time. I have mixed feelings about going to work. On one hand I don’t want my free and easy lifestyle to end, but on the other hand I want to experience Taiwan in a whole new different way... part of the media frenzy here FYI: If I suddenly disappear while talking to you on MSN it's coz of the signal... DOES ANYONE KNOW IF HOW I CAN APPLY FOR WIRELESS INTERNET FOR A MONTH? ANY DEVICE OR SOMETHING? HELP...
(problem solved!)