甜甜圈donut in taipei

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Today went with まちこさん Machiko to watch Warlords which was screened for free in school. It's been a long time since I watched a movie in a cinema (it wasn't a cinema but it was just as good...wide screen comfy seats, best of all it's free).

Was expecting a good show after hearing that Warlords has won plenty of awards. Well I wasn't disappointed, it was sad that everyone had to die in the end. Plus my teacher unknowingly gave out a spoiler during his lesson in Photography class. But it did make me seat my and take extra notice of the deeper meaning that lies behind the value of a life. In the context of the movie, the value of a life was no more than a pawn. If you're a citizen you live, if you are a soldier you got to be prepared to die. Hmm... makes me thankful that I'm living in this civilised era.

What struck me was when Machiko's Iraqi friend Ali said that he found the scene where the mother had to bade goodbye to her sons off to war very touching. I didn't really catch what he said but I think it was something like because he has seen a lot of such scenes. Never thought that I could ever meet someone from Iraq. That aside, he's really hilarious. He and Machiko are going to be hosts for their Mandarin Class performace. がんばって~


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